07 August 2012

Australia Zoo

AKA: A tribute to Steve Irwin (I think they're refusing to admit he's dead.)  I appreciate all he did to inspire animal preservation and education, but the number of lifesize pictures of him (most of which were suitable for posing next to for photos) was insane.

We had a good time though.  It's a very nice zoo, though the very new Africa exhibit is a long walk from anything else.  LOTS of crocodiles, of course.  One over 16 ft long.

We were at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary a few weeks ago, where we had the chance to hold koalas and pet kangaroos, but now I've been able to add "pet a wallaby" to my list of life experiences I never expected to have.  On comparison, wallabies are softer than kangaroos :)

The cutest thing we saw: baby koala.  A mom and her 7 month old baby were snacking on some eucalyptus, and we were able to get up close and personal (within arms reach) of them.  Forgive the blurry picture, I was holding Kaylee at the time:

Kaylee was pretty cute, too.

I also got the chance to get a little artistic.  It's been awhile since I had the opportunity to just play with the camera in a pretty setting while not worrying about the baby:

Although I love what I can do with this lens, I've recently started begging Dylan for a wide-angle lens, something that will be more appropriate for the amazing landscapes and city scenes we'll be seeing on our travels.  We'll see if I get it...

And, finally, more koalas

And, a red panda.

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