Scene: Walking out of the apartment. Baby girl is asleep, babysitter is there, it's a beautiful day. I need to go to the store to buy diapers and milk. That's my plan as I walk out the door.
Stephanie, don't walk to the yarn store. It's almost 3km1 away.
But I want to get yarn to make Kaylee some leggings. *walking toward grocery store - which happens to be the same direction as the yarn shop, though only three blocks, not 3km, away*
You bought yarn yesterday.
I didn't like it. It's all Lincraft had, and I got it out of desperation. I'll use it, too, but I want something better. *walks past grocery store*
If you spend the next two hours walking to the yarn store, browsing the yarn store, and then walking back, you'll have wasted two-thirds of your free time on yarn you can't afford anyway. Weren't there things you wanted to do at home? Other ways to spend your baby-free time?
I want to look at the yarn. And it's a nice day. Do you see these cool buildings we're walking past?
Your entire discretionary budget for the week will be blown. You won't be able to have a babysitter tomorrow, and you'll have wasted today.
But... it's YARN!!! Please, can't we go look? *walking past the 1km mark*
We're not even halfway there! You could turn around now, save money, go back to your computer, knit the yarn you already bought, and never think about doing this again.
But, the yarn shop is really close to the Baby store. We could look at sippy cups, and... stuff.
More things you can't afford!
I'm still walking!
Fine. Maybe we can take the bus home. That should save some time.
Okay :) I'll look at the schedule. *walking past the 2km point, checking the transportation website for a way to get hom from the yarn shop* Look, it'll only take 25 minutes on the bus, we're fine. There's still plenty of money on the GO card, and this is what it's for!
Sigh. You win. Go, look at yarn.
Scene: Yarn shop.
Sigh. Not a very big selection, is it? Apparently, the self-striping, uber-colorful sock yarn craze hasn't hit in Oz.
:-p Told you it wouldn't be worth it.
Ohhhh, look, Debbie Bliss! Perfect for baby leggings.
Fine, you win. Buy two skeins, leave before you convince yourself that you need any more than that.
K. :) Look, it's only $12 a skein. That's not *too* bad.
Scene: Outside the yarn shop, with two new skeins in my bag.
Okay, let's catch the bus! *looks in purse.... um....looks again.....* Crap, my GO card is on the kitchen counter.
*smack* dumbass
Scene: Arrives home two hours after leaving. But has yarn, diapers, and milk.
1Actual distance, 1.74 miles.
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