02 February 2013

Playing at a Market and in a Gully

Road Trip, Part 42.

Okay, it's not really the 42nd post about the road trip, but I've lost track, and counting would be too much work.  Seems like I should be done by now, but there's still a handful more to go after this one.  Then we can start on the cruise pictures.

The cruise was 7 weeks ago.

I might need to work harder if I ever want to finish these pictures and posts.

What's the delay, you ask?  A walking, non-sleeping toddler.  I can't keep up.  Even with Dylan really stepping up a lot lately to play with her more and give me kid-free time, I am still finding "sleep when the baby sleeps" to continue to be the best advice ever.  Basically, she's the most adorable little kid ever, but since discovering walking a few weeks ago, she doesn't stop moving and avoids sleep because she might miss something exciting.  My brain has turned to mush from the sleep deprivation.

Anyway, back to the road trip.

Our next overnight was in Melbourne.  I didn't take many pictures, between the baby girl still not feeling great and knowing we'd be living here for three months, I wasn't actively trying to record this part of the trip.  We did have fun in the Queen Victoria Market though, including a stop at a small play structure there for Kaylee to stretch her legs.

There were lots of cool booths in the market, and I could have spent all day taking pictures. These wooden roses and wicker lilies caught our attention, and Heather even picked a few roses to buy.  Hopefully they survived the trip back to the States.

We left Melbourne early in the afternoon and headed back to the coast.  Our next stop was the "wettest place in Victoria," Melba Gully.  It had a very Fern Gully the Last Rainforest feel.

Map: A - Phillips Island -> B - Melbourne -> C - Melba Gully (along the Great Ocean Road)

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