06 June 2013

End of Oz Packing

Today I pack up the things that will be in storage until October. OCTOBER. We are three people who live with what fits into 8ish suitcases, and I'm about to put 2 of the biggest ones away, into the care of the luggage truck, in storage somewhere between Perth and Taipei, for 5 MONTHS. 

I'm not stressed at all.

It's not like I have to be worried about making sure that the only things NOT packed will fit into the 6 bags we can take on the flight home... 

Oh... Wait....

Where's the coffee? I need more coffee... And the babysitter...

I'm getting pretty good at the packing thing.  But it seems like every transfer has some new challenge. This time, it's the sheer length of time we'll be off tour.  Long enough to need two seasons worth of clothes with us  - it will certainly be "fall" in Michigan by the time we leave in October, and it is most definitely "summer" there now.  And that the things in storage will be there long enough that being worried about mildew or other unexpected damage is reasonable.  Plus, ANYTHING can happen in 5 months - including a new job or something that could keep us from coming back to our luggage, and then it would have to be shipped to us or donated to charity so I need to be careful about what I put in...

So much to think about!  Must stop procrastinating and just go do it :(

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