25 January 2014

First Visit to the Fuji Dome

For an excuse to get out of the house today, Kaylee and I followed Dylan to work.  After two weeks, I was ready to figure out the subway system (at least, how to get to site), and I really wanted to go to the mall, since I'm running out of pants again.  When you wear the same pair of pants every day, they have a tendency to wear out.  And Site happens to be right next to a mall :)

Kaylee liked taking Daddy to work, because it meant getting spend more time with him.

The Fuji Dome, which Cirque uses to tour Japan in place of their Big Top, is a complete building compared to the tent.  It's necessary for earthquake and typhoon building regulations.  I was impressed when I saw it.  I miss our yellow and blue Big Top, but this is cool, too.

There's LOTS of oVo advertising around.  The mall, the subway trains, the buses... they're all covered in it.  Artists start showing up at work on Monday.  Here's a good run in Tokyo!

Kaylee and I had fun shopping at the mall, too.  She got a bunch of adorable new shirts at Old Navy (on sale!) and I found some new jeans.  A good day, all around :)

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