23 October 2013

So, we're at the park...

We were at the playground today and a group of school kids, maybe Kindergarten/1st grade age, came to play.  They were all orderly, in their little yellow smocks, holding hands and walking two by two.  A typical field trip.

Kaylee was playing with her friend and I was chatting with her mom and generally enjoying a quiet morning on the playground.  After a few minutes, I turned to look for Kaylee... and found her holding hands with a girl in the school group, having decided that that was apparently what kids on the playground are supposed to do.  I went to disentangle her, but they were fascinated by Kaylee and the teacher held out a hand and invited Kaylee to come along with them.

I watched, amused and disturbed by how easily and willingly Kaylee joined them.  (Note to self - be sure to never take eyes off Kaylee ever, ever, again; and try to figure out how to teach Stranger Danger to a two year old.)  But off she went, cheerfully climbing up stairs she had approached hesitantly just moments before, across a rope-net bridge that she had refused to cross alone or with me, and then down a slide (on the teacher's lap) that she had refused to go down for three days.  I had tried to go down it with her the day before, but my hips didn't fit!

At the bottom of the slide, the class gathered around K and cheered for her, then the teacher asked me to use her camera to take a picture of her with Kaylee.

As we walked away, another teacher (there were several groups of kids), came running up pointing to her camera, to Kaylee, and to me.  I held Kaylee and posed... and the entire class came up and posed around us, fingers up in "v" (peace?) shape.  After the picture, the teacher asked the class to ask us, "boy or girl?" (I swear, long blond hair, pink clothes, pink shoes... they still can't tell!)

Bizarre.  But, for Caucasians in Taiwan... a typical day.

PS - After the teacher showed Kaylee how much fun the slide was, I couldn't get her off of it.  She kept going and loved it :)

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