07 January 2014

Transient Toddler

I realized last night just how much I'm wishing we were settled down again.  Which is at odds, of course, with how much I enjoy the leisure and opportunities of this lifestyle.  But there are just some things I can't have, living in a hotel room, that I could have back in a house, in a neighborhood, in a city that doesn't change every few months.

My biggest concern right now is Kaylee and what's best for her.  Although she tries talking more, and does imitate easy words pretty well, she still needs focused instruction on making lots of sounds and putting them together, which she won't do with me.  She just shuts me out completely when I try, and I struggle enough with bedtimes and lunch times and all the other times that I choose not to fight over learning time.  But I feel like it's unfair to her development... This parenting thing comes with a lot of stress and guilt...

Today, from the moment she woke up until I had left in with her teacher at school, there was only happiness and excitement.  No tears, no sad faces.  And after all the good to come from this school experience, she has only today and Thursday left before we leave.  Not looking forward to starting the process of introducing her to a new school again.  If I'm lucky enough to find one accepting students, which I don't think will be easy from the research I've done so far.  More stress and guilt...

About a month after getting here, she was already saying, "home!" when we would be getting close on our walks back from wherever we had been.  And she has a favorite new book to read (every nap and bedtime) about a Christmas tree who is so glad to be brought "home" by a family.  And she fills in that word, and only that word, for me every time we read it.  What will happen next week when I say, "we're home," and it's a new place? I don't want to borrow trouble, but, I worry.  What is changing "home" so often doing to her definition of it?  So, I feel more stress and guilt.....

It will all be fine.  I just have to keep telling myself that.  Everything happens (or doesn't) for a reason.

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