17 March 2014

Something every mom will relate to...

I'm getting into a good routine for Kaylee's school days.

7:10  Alarm goes off.  I snooze it, wondering why I have to get up so much earlier than everyone else, when I'm not the one going to school or work.

7:19  Alarm goes off again.  I sigh, check my notifications from Facebook, email, earthquake alerts (to know if people on the other side of the world are unnecessarily worrying about me, and to be sure I shouldn't be unnecessarily worrying about my CA sister). 

Roll out of bed, muttering to myself that it isn't fair that I have to be awake while the child who's going to school is still sleeping, or that the husband (who will actually have to be out of the house before us) is still sleeping.

Bathroom, clothes, etc.  Sigh deeply every time I hear husband's alarm go off (and be snoozed).

7:45 Empty dishwasher, clean up husband's mess in kitchen from his after work snack last night, start packing child's lunch and school bag, make pancakes for breakfast.  Make just enough noise that the sleeping beauties are forced to acknowledge it might be time to wake up.

8:00 Remind husband he does actually have to get up now.  Get child from crib, change diaper, encourage her to be excited about school and pancakes.  (The pancakes help.)

8:10 Clean up kitchen, remind child she has to keep eating because we have to get ready for school, dance around husband who is stumbling through getting ready for work.

8:15 Remind child to keep eating.

8:20 Pick out clothes for child.  Have child reject them.  Pick out second choice outfit.  Have child discuss the shirt ("zoo shirt.  animals"  "animals on shirt") for three minutes before acknowledging that YES she will wear it.  Have child exert her individuality by refusing to wear jeans.  She has four pairs of clean jeans and one pair of clean non-jeans.  Sigh deeply, then pull out the black pants.  Kiss husband good-bye. 

8:30  Change diaper, again.  (Come on kid, the potty won't hurt you, can't we try the potty?  please?). Dress child.  Convince child to sit still long enough to comb hair and put in clips.  Know that rubber bands and pig tails will hold better, but decide not to have that fight today.

8:35  Ask child to get her tennis shoes on (I know she can).  Shove last bites of pancakes into either her mouth or mine.  Ask child to at least get her shoes out of the closet.  Last check that school bag hasn't been unpacked while my back was turned.  It was.  Try to put things back into it and have child argue that she doesn't want to carry her own cereal.  Ask child, again, to get her shoes.  This time, follow her to the closet and get my shoes out, too.  Sit down and put on all four shoes.

8:38 (Starting to worry we're going to miss the hotel's 8:45 shuttle which screws up the entire schedule for getting to school.) Discuss with child that yes, we are taking the stroller, but no, she can't get into it yet, because it has to stay folded until we get off the shuttle.  Remember to grab my laptop and notebook so I can work at Starbucks while she's at school.  Turn around and find her taking things out of her school bag.

8:41 Pack school bag, put things she's rejected from the school bag into my bag.  Put her in her school sweatshirt (give thanks to the higher power that the weather is warm enough today that I don't have to fight about the winter jacket).  Hand child the school bag.  Child cries that her cereal isn't in her bag (because she took it out).  Get cereal out of my bag and hand to child, while trying to push her out the door.  Remind her that she can go push the elevator button.

8:43 Grab stroller, grab key card from by the door, grab jacket from closet.  Check jacket pocket for wallet, grab wallet off desk and put in jacket pocket, head out the door.

8:44 In the elevator

8:45 In the shuttle (thank the Higher Power)

8:55 Juggle stroller, bag, and child out of shuttle and away from the curb.  Adjust to get them up the narrow escalator.  At the top of the escalator, unfold stroller, buckle child in.  Take a deep breath and prepare to go up stream against the thousands of people walking out of the train station in order to get to the other side of the walk way where we can get to the train gates that lead to the elevator.  Remind child she can't sit with her legs stretched out to either side, what with that interfering with the thousands trying to walk past her.  Manage to not trip any of them, sigh of relief when we reach the other side.  

9:02 Make it onto the train.  Remind child she can't kick other passengers.   

9:08 Transfer (using the escalators, because the elevators don't connect between the two platforms) to the next train.  Remind child to keep her feet in the stroller, especially on the escalators and when trying to get through the train gates.

9:18 Arrive at final station, get to concourse level.  Take child out of stroller, fold up stroller, carry both up the narrow escalators to street level.  Put child back in stroller. Walk up the hill to school.

9:28 Arrive at school, out of breath.  Why is it on top of a steep hill?  Seriously.   Smile, hand over child and school bag, wave good bye to child who is ignoring me because she wants to go play.  Chat with teachers for a minute.  Store stroller in school garage.  Head for Starbucks

9:34 Order venti soy coffee & cream latte.  Head to third floor.  Unpack computer.  Take a deep breath and a big drink of coffee.  Smile blissfully.

Spend the next four hours catching up on all the things I can't focus on when the child is around.  

Today's checklist: 
Figure out why I haven't been able to register for my SOU PD course.  Realize I actually need to submit an admission application first.  And that I can't register until tomorrow any way.  

Determine what the next crafty projects will be and what materials I might need for them.  Knitting: scarf for me, sweater for friend's baby due next month (might be cutting that one close...).  Quiet Books: need base material before I can really start.  

Plan the rest of the week.  Yay!  Dylan has tomorrow and Wed off!  Then he has to work on Thursday (generally a Dark Day)  Crap.  Spring Break starts Friday, so no school, extra Kaylee.  Need to figure out what to do to stay busy with her...

Drink the coffee.  Enjoy it.  Try to relax.  Check.

And, because I really want every post to have a picture, here's one from yesterday for you.  Spring is here!

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